katherine Jackson

katherine Jackson


Bigi (formerly known as Blanket) is opposed to Katherine Jackson using money from the estate to fight an ongoing legal battle

A family feud is taking place within Michael Jackson’s family as his youngest son, Bigi (formerly known as Blanket) is opposing his grandmother Katherine Jackson using funds from the estate to fight a legal battle she is in.

According to People, 22-year-old Bigi filed paperwork stating that his grandmother should not be able to use funds from the “Bad” singer’s estate in her fight against the estate executors, John Branca and John McClain for a disagreement in a “recent transaction.”

michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

The transaction may be a deal regarding the $600 million catalog sale of Michael’s music to Sony Music. Initially, the family members, including Michael’s other two children, Paris and Prince, were fighting the agreement alongside Katherine. But, after a judge ruled against the Jacksons and stated that the deal would move forward, Katherine’s grandchildren accepted the decision, yet Michael’s mother filed an appeal, which is currently pending.

Last December, Katherine requested that the estate pay for the legal bills drawn from the opposition to the deal. But, Bigi stated on March 18 that it was “unfair” to make him and his siblings pay for it, since it’s coming from the estate.

“It is readily apparent that a reversal on appeal would be an extreme longshot,” the attorneys stated in the filing. “Given those odds, Bigi decided not to waste his resources to participate in an appeal. Nonetheless, Katherine has decided to appeal this court’s ruling. That decision is not for the benefit of the heirs.”

Bigi isn’t totally against some of the fees being taken care of by the estate. He “does not object to reasonable attorney fees and costs” for the initial filing as she presented “essential evidence.” But he feels that “the overall amount for the trial might be high” and wondered if “four lawyers charging fees of $840 to $1,400 per hour was necessary.” He’s asking the court to “determine a fair and equitable amount.”

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